Mediation and Moderated Mediation Models
Abstract: Moderation and mediation analysis can be analytically integrated. This presentation covers the concepts of partial mediation and mediation combined with moderation as well as tests of indirect effects. Andrew F. Hayes has developed macros, that can be downloaded for free, which are used as statistical tools to analyze a number of models that involve multiple mediators along with moderators. These macros can be uploaded in SAS, SPSS, and R software. Professor Hayes has written the textbook entitled “Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis.” His process analysis is widely used in many business journal publications. This presentation explains the topic of mediation and moderated mediation using his approach.
Speaker: Robert Pavur
Professor of Decision Sciences, Information Technology and Decision Sciences Department
University of North Texas
Password to view recording: HcnMeV62
Systematic Literature Review: PRISMA and Beyond
A tutorial on using PRISMA to conduct systematic literature reviews and meta analyses.
The workshop covered the important aspects related to what a systematic review is, what meta-analyses are, and why they are useful for researchers. A demonstration of the available database searching capabilities was conducted. The workshop covered the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) framework in depth. The workshop was structured as a tutorial, demonstration, and where practical, hands-on interactive experience. The workshop wrapped with an open discussion of the use of structured literature reviews in the conduct of research.
Speaker: Dr. Will Senn
Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems
Marketing and Computer Information Systems Department
College of Business | Tarleton State University
Password to view recording: Prisma2022
Structural Equation Modeling with WarpPLS: Publishing in Top-tier Decision Sciences and Information Systems Journals
In this 90-minute session, Professor Ned Kock discusses how to conduct a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis using the software WarpPLS. Dr. Kock is the original developer of this software, which is used by thousands of researchers from a wide variety of disciplines, and from many different countries. The following topics, among others, are covered:
- Running a Full SEM Analysis; Assessing the Quality of the Measurement Model via a Confirmatory Factor Analysis
- Testing Hypotheses by Assessing the Structural Model; Exploring Full Latent Growth
- Conducting a Moderating Effects Analysis
- Viewing Moderating Effects via 3D and 2D Graphs; Creating and Using Second Order Latent Variables
- Viewing Indirect and Total Effects; Conducting a Factor-Based SEM Analysis
Password to view recording: Qdsi@2021